What is a Professional email address and why should you use it?

What is a professional email address?

If you don’t know what a professional email account is and its benefits, you might wonder why you should create a professional account when Google offers free email accounts. Also, you might not know the advantages that using a professional email address could bring. 

The most important feature is that a professional email address allows you to customize your email account and use your brand name. Thus, instead of yourname@gmail.com or yourname@yahoo.com, you can create an email with the structure yourname@yourbrand.com.

✅ Note: To create a professional account with these characteristics, you must have registered your brand’s domain name. If you don’t know what a domain is or don’t have one yet, don’t worry, all you have to do is check its availability and purchase it on a platform. Try to make the domain the same as your brand’s name, do not add characters or make it difficult to write.

Having a professional email address is a small significant change that will make a difference in your interactions with your customers: it will undoubtedly bring you professionalism, seriousness, and reliability, It will help users recognize your brand, among many other advantages for your business strategy. Let’s discover all of them!

Advantages of using a professional email

1) Brand identity: A corporate email address helps build your brand identity and reinforces it every time you send an email. Having your own domain in your account, adding a professional profile photo, and a signature with the logo contribute to your brand’s digital visibility. Using a professional email account is an official and verified communication channel with the same relevance as the website and social media profiles.

2) Several corporate accounts: This service allows you to create different accounts under the “@yourbrand” so that you and your entire team can have your professional email address. This allows you several options:

 Create an email for each team member: For example, john@brand.comvictoria@brand.com. This is recommended for small teams or members of specific areas, such as marketing, sales, and support.

– Create an email by area: support@brand.com, management@brand.com, press@brand.com. In this case, it will be necessary to define who will manage these accounts on behalf of the area.

Beyond this, there are some accounts that you should create, such as hello@brand.com, to manage the first contacts with real and potential clients; info@marca.com, as a channel where they can request specific information; or customerservice@brand.com, where you can manage claims. 

Create a reasonable number of emails that you can handle. It may seem sophisticated to have several specific accounts, but if you don’t have someone to check them later and unanswered emails accumulate, what seemed like a great idea will end up becoming a problem.

3) Personal brand: if your registered domain is your name because you work with your personal brand, you can create an email like contact@yourname.com or proposals@yourname.com.

4) Seriousness and professionalism: A professional email address indicates that the brand is serious and consolidated. On the other hand, if you use a free account, you will imply that you have little experience and do not care about the details. Let’s face it. It’s not the same as receiving a message from decodesign@gmail.com as from sales@decodesign.com.

5) Reliability: Free accounts are very easy to fake. You know you could do it if you wanted to create an email with a false name and identity right now. That is why free email accounts are not the best option for communicating on behalf of a brand and convincing someone to buy your product or service.

professional email address legitimizes your brand and shows that you have a genuine business so that people can trust it. Decrease the chances of your messages being marked as spam or mistrust.

✅ Cybersecurity: Free accounts are often subject to spam and hacking. On the other hand, the private ones provide greater security, including additional protection measures. In addition, they offer an extra backup copy of all your emails, so you don’t lose them if a virus attacks your inbox.

✅ No spam: A professional email address reduces the chances of falling into the recipient’s spam box. This is a crucial point because if your email falls into spam, the recipients will not see it and the opening rate will drop drastically.

✅ Compatibility with multiple platforms: Email accounts with their own domain can be used through specific tools such as Webmail, as well as in Gmail itself and other email clients. With a small configuration, you will be able to use your account from where it is most comfortable, without compatibility problems.

✅ Included at no cost in web hosting plans: You will know what web hosting is if you have a website. Several hosting companies offer unlimited professional email addresses when you hire their service. Yes, you heard it right! You can have as many email addresses as you need to manage your business at no cost. Research and prioritize the brands that offer you this benefit.

✅ Personal technical support: When creating a professional email address, the brand that has given it to you will also offer you technical support -or at least, it should-. In this way, you ensure that in the event of any problem with your account, someone will be there to help you in a timely manner. This is much more difficult to achieve in the case of free services.


If you have come this far, you should have no doubts about what a professional email address is and why it is convenient to hire this service. It offers a large number of advantages at a very low investment cost.

Now all you have to do is learn how to create a professional email address to start implementing it in your business strategy.

Have your own professional email account and enjoy all the advantages it offers! 🙂